Over the years I've had the opportunity, and privilege, to apply my design passion and creativity to some very wonderful, meaningful organizations and initiatives. The following are examples of my voluteer work, including a project that dates back to my sophomore year in college.
branding, lead design, art direction
Iron Street Urban Farm is the Chicago branch of Growing Power, a national nonprofit organization that supports struggling communities by opening urban farms that provide equal access to healthy, affordable food, as well as training and programs targeted to at-risk youth and community members. I was the senior designer on their EPIC rally (Engaging Philanthropy, Inspiring Creatives) helping to create an identity, and communication materials.
StreetWise helps Chicago unhoused men and women achieve personal stability, access social services and find employment. They're most recognizable assistance is through their Streetwise magazine, the sales profit going to the unhoused vendor, providing a means of self-employment. DDB Chicago donated my services to design the branding for their 20th anniversary Gala.
During my sophomore year at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, I entered a competition to develop an awareness campaign for a recently constructed community center. The aim was to highlight the diverse range of services and activities it offered in an engaging manner. This was my first foray into art direction, and I'm thrilled to report that my campaign won out! For execution, I enlisted fellow students from NSCAD's Photo Department and the community center staff. Together, we crafted a cheeky and playful campaign that extended across various media platforms, including digital,OOH, and print collateral.